Start Fighting
So you want to put on armor, grab a steel weapon and fight?
You have come to the right place.
This is a guide for getting started in the sport most commonly known as Armored Combat or Buhurt.
You have come to the right place.
This is a guide for getting started in the sport most commonly known as Armored Combat or Buhurt.
- Buy Nothing
You do NOT need armor to start training. Buying steel armor and weapons (even the right gear for good prices) is not a good idea until you have been consistently training with a team for a few months.
The exception is groin protection (this applies to fighters of all genders)
Find a Local Practice
There are a few maps that list teams in the US and globally
Armored Combat Sports - ACS (League specific)
Armored Combat Worldwide - ACW (League specific)
If you do not see anything here, join the American Medieval Combat Federation - AMCF facebook group and ask
Make sure that the club actually exists. The MINIMUM criteria is 2 people, practicing once a week, with foam gear.
"I found a local practice!"
Great! Reach out to club and arrange coming to your first practice. (bring your groin protection).
Find out which events the club typically attends, and what league those are affiliated with. It helps to be aware of that to know what memberships might be needed when you start actively competing
HMB costs about $70 to start and $9 a month, ACS has a $50 annual fee, ACW has a $100 annual fee.
Each league offers liability and accident insurance for their events. HMB also has a grant program for event runners.
Clubs may also charge a monthly fee, this depends on how the club is run.
Train and Budget
If you like your first practice: officially join the club, and keep practicing. The first thing you should buy is the foam training gear the other people use/recommend.
After one month: start saving for armor. $2000-$3000 is the realistic range for a safe and competitive first kit.
After six months: Start looking at what you want to purchase for armor. A gambeson set or helmet are typical for a first purchase. Don't buy anything without talking to your teammates first.
For more detail, take a look at our guide for "Buying Armor for Beginners
"There is no local practice"
If there is nowhere you would be able to reasonably drive at least a month, you will have to start your own practice, which can eventually turn into a chapter/club/gym.
Take a look at this guide to get the ball rolling.